Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hip, hip, hooray, it's time for class!

The first day of computer class for Sky and Jett.  Jett isn't technically old enough, but because he's so smart, knows how to use a computer and has a great attention span, the director offered to let him try it.  Well, he did FANTASTIC!  The director said today when class was over how amazed she was at how well he did and she is glad I pushed to get him a spot.  He's not the typical 3 year old boy!  He's his daddy's boy, for sure!  I'm so proud of him and I knew he would be as good as the teacher said he was!  He loves his class.  I peaked in on him and he was glued to his computer!  I wish I would have had my camera then.  Maybe another day...

1 comment:

The Allreds said...

by the end of their class they'll probably know more about computers than I do!! fun times that we live in, teaches us that learning is a life-long endeavor!