Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What a trip...

Pictures coming soon...
But for now...It's been a rough couple of days adjusting. The kids went from having gorgeous weather to run outside and play in to this cold snowy, stuck inside the house business. They had Grandma to around to play with and now only a mom that's been busy doing laundry and unpacking. Hopefully, by the end of the week we can at least get out and go for a walk. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
We had a fabulous time in California. Top 5 Highlights (even though there were like 100 great things about the trip)... 1. We ate at SuperMex, and In and Out Burger ( I think I had at least 7 burgers while on our trip which explains the weight gain, but they were truly enjoyed). 2. We spent a whole day at the beach with Arlo and fam and Grandma J. The kids LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it and the weather... PERFECT! Not too cold and not too hot! If only I had worn my suit. I ended up soaked anyway cause Brooke did not want to get out of the water. 3. I met up with an old gymnastics teammate that I have not seen in 20 years. She and I were quite the pair when we were young. We did everything the together and gave each other the courage to keep going. We spent so much time together at the gym that she was like another sibling so it was incredible to see her again. Thank you FB. 4. We went on a tour of the show Phineas and Ferb. We got to be in the studio where the cartoon is created from start to finish. VERY COOL!!! We even got to sit in a boardroom with the creators of the show (Swampy and Dan) and a few top execs to view a never before seen episode. One that is still in the works. That was a neat experience and the kids loved meeting some of the key voices to the characters. As Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Jeff "Swampy" the creator of the show) said to us as we left "Stay Eeeeevil!" 5. We went to Disneyland and Suzanne and fam were there too. Made it that much more fun for the kids!
The trip was perfect. Wish I could have stayed another week with my FABULOUS inlaws. I am so incredibly lucky to have such great inlaws. They took great care of us and the kids while Neils flew back during the week to work. We were spoiled for sure. Not sure I'm even adjusting well. I miss them terribly and am going to have to go back SOON!!!

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