Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Then it was off to the beach...

Had I known Brooke was going to spend the ENTIRE time in the water, I would have worn my suit or at least the bottom half of my suit. By the end of the day, my jean capris were soaked! What a yucky feeling to have jeans sticking to me mixed in with some sand to scrape my legs everytime I tried to wiggle the darn things around and air them out. Uggghh... But I'm so glad she loved it. I was a little afraid of the kids reaction. My kids (all three of them) are very particular about being clean. Jett will not hold a Chips Ahoy cookie in his hands cause it gets crumbs on his hands. I have to hold it for him and feed it to him. Sky, is a freak-a-zoid when it comes to cleanliness. She gets so upset when things are a mess. So when we reached the sand, Sky's first words were "Is there any place where there's NOT ANY sand?" Ha! Uh... no!!! She did fine, and I was shocked when her sucker landed in the sand and she didn't freak out. Normally, this would have been the end of the world for her. But I guess because the weather was so great and we had so much fun, it didn't seem to bother her. After all we were headed for a Thrifty Ice Cream cone (yes, it's inside a Rite Aid now, but it's still called Thrifty Ice Cream for those of you that grew up in California) afterwards. It was a gogorgeous day and I'm so glad we were able to meet up with Arlo, Kathleen and kids. It was their short day at school so it worked out perfect for us all to go! Thanks guys we had a blast!


Jarvie said...

love the beach pictures! How cute!

Suzanne Plant said...

Sorry Steph but you are so a liar! I have NEVER seen point and shoot pictures this amazing! Love the pictures. You look great too!

The Allreds said...

YEAH for Thrify cones. That's a memory that came back to me not too long ago. I was describing to my husband how they were shaped like a cylinder. So fun.
Great pictures at the beach. Makes me want to be there right now.

Daynes Family said...

What a fun vacation! And such cute pictures of your kids. Man, could we sure use a vacation about now!