Thursday, August 28, 2008

The purpose...

The sole reason I blog is because some day I plan on going to to "slurp" my blog into a book where I can save these stories and pictures forever.  It serves as my family journal for you all to be apart of, but will one day be for looking back on when my kids are grown.  With that said, I MUST include a couple stories from this week.  Neither of which have pictures to go with them, but I would never want to forget these moments.  

Today for breakfast Sky asked Jett if he'd say the prayer.  He always perks up and is willing to do so.  Don't ask me why Sky's in charge, she just always is! (Is that how I was mom being that I was the oldest child, bossy and in charge?)  In the prayer Jett said, "Bless me and bless Sky that we will be as strong as Sportacus and Daddy cause we eat our healthy pancakes."  I smiled so big, I had to hold back so that I could thank Jett for such a thoughtful prayer.

The other story is of my sweet Sky.  She started Preschool this week at Challenger.  On Wednesday she jumped in the car with exciting news.  Her friend from last year (Alex, her bestest buddy who has blonde curly hair like her!) who was put in another class was now in her class.  She was thrilled!  This exciting news was then followed up by sad upsetting news.  She went from smiling and a cheery voice to tears and gloom as she said, "Guess what mom?  There's another Sky in my class and HE'S A BOY!  So now I'm not just Sky, I'm Sky Jorgensen and he's Sky Lilenquist!"  Ohhhhh, my poor Sky Hannah Banana.  I asked her if the boy Sky was really named Skylar.  She said, "NO mom, he spells it S-K-Y-E, he's not Skylar, just Sky!"  Later that night while I was away Sky had some time with her dad.  She told her dad the same story.  Only dad had a different reaction... "That's great Sky, you guys have the same name!  You should give each other a high five when you see each other."  Way to go dad!  Way to be positive and uplifting.  Way to make her feel good!    

1 comment:

The Allreds said...

I used to feel that way too since you get used to being the only one around with THAT name and then when someone else has the SAME name, it's a bit hard to choke! Funny, hugh!?!? Dad's always put things back into perspective, way to go, moms have more of the "mourn with those who are mourning" syndrome!