Friday, August 15, 2008

She has my eyelashes!

I just wanted to post this picture I took this week.  It is of my beautiful baby Brooke!  I recently took a photography class from Carin Davis.  She is the one that has been taking our family pictures over the last year and a half.  I love her work and was so excited when she decided to teach what it is she is so amazing at.  I went and since have been trying to create beautiful photos.  This week she posted on her blog a challenge to those of us who were up for it.  It was a challenge to focus on the small detail of eyelashes when they are wet.  I went to the pool excited to capture an eyelash picture.  Here is my version.  I wanted to share it with you and share my blog where I will be posting pictures as I go along, hoping they get better and better with time and practice.   


Suzanne Plant said...

So cute!! Gotta love those eyelashes -- my girls didn't get ones that gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

What an amazing picture! You are extremely talented. You need to give me an online tutorial. Soooo beautiful.

The Allreds said...

great shot! I bet you're the teacher's honor student already! how fun for you to get good at what you love! Fun to have darling-related subjects to capture on "film" too!

Daynes Family said...

Impressive Steph! How fun you're taking a photography class. Beautiful picture, looks like you have already learned a lot!