I am hosting a Food Storage party. I know sounds weird but as Ward Emergency Preparedness Leader I have been working on my food storage. In doing so I have talked to many friends and family about what their ward or stake is doing and have come across many great ideas to be better prepared. This is one of those great tips I've been given. My sister in law attended a party put on by The Ready Project. She was talking about how she got to go and taste test a sample of the food that they sell for food storage. She said the food was REALLY GOOD, so I thought I'd try it. For any of you that might be interested, you're more than welcome to come. The party will be on Thursday September 25th at my house from 7-9pm. I will have samples of food for you to try all of which you can purchase if you'd like. I have been given a discount code that gives you 5% off your total order should you purchase anything either through me or later through the website. The coupon code is 61965
Check out their website...
to get an idea of what it is they sell food storage wise and be sure to stop by to taste a sample of their food. I am looking forward to trying it myself.
What a great idea! I have always wished I could taste the food storage I have bought. Hopefully it isn't yucky. I already have my 1 year storage for my family. I am so good! Good meaning paranoid!!!
I'M COMING!!! This is a stinkin' great idea and I so better be invited because I'm coming anyway. Hehe. And I'd also just like to say that (cue music) I'm so grateful for this Queen Blogger Award, I wouldn't be standing here today without the help of my family, friends, piano teacher,...just kidding! Thanks for the compliment, mostly because I feel like a slacker at blogging lately so I'm glad no one's noticed! Ha! Love ya!
I'll be there. That's a great idea! Remind me... :-)
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