So, today after getting out the scissors and glue and doing crafty things with my kids (anything to keep from watching another kid show on T.V. After last week of Jett taking it easy in front of the T.V. ALL DAY, I am T.V.'d out!) I came up with this idea! I want to see what's on YOUR fridge! This is what's on mine, mostly because we just NOW took down the Thanksgiving pictures and replaced it with more up to date holiday pictures the kids did today. But, this should be fun, and I don't want to just pick a few names to tag, I want to see EVERYONE'S fridge! So come on, play, it will be fun to see! If you're reading this, consider yourself TAGGED! Take a picture and list the things on your fridge! Then put your link in the comments so I can see!
Jett's version of Santa and his Christmas Tree
Sky's version of Santa and her Christmas Tree
Chuck E Cheese gift certificate money (for when Jett decides to go poo-poo in the toilet, he gets a poo-poo party like Sky did.)
Matthew and Marissa's wedding announcement, mainly because I love it! It's so unique!
Macy's birth announcement, because she's so darn cute!
A "birthday card" (even though it's not my birthday anytime soon) from Sky. (She thought it would cheer me up to have a birthday).
A "Follow the Prophet" craft from last weeks Nursery.
A post card from Denmark from Grandma and Grandpa J.
and lastly down at the bottom...
Brooke's leapster letters. She loves them and knows about six of her letters now.
That was fun, now you try it!
So can I cheat and put stuff on my fridge since I just cleaned everything off of it??? Love the crafty projects you made! So adorable and very artistic I might add! I'd love to play -- thanks for the tag. Be looking for mine soon!
I wish magnets stuck to my fridge but they don't....I have a cute board with all the kids names and a clip to hang stuff they do at school on.
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