So by the skin of our teeth we made it (somewhat healthy) to the Jorgensen Family Christmas party friday night. After three solid weeks of feeling totally crappy, we pulled it together and went. Of course, it had to be the snowiest day of the year which slowed us down and because we had been sick for so long we hadn't gotten the gift exchange presents. So, running an hour late we still managed to pull off a quick run to Target and get there JUST IN TIME to see Santa. Jett, was the most concerned about getting there to see him. When we went to The Festival of Trees he mentioned that he wanted Spike the Ultra Dinosaur for Christmas. The day after telling Santa that he realized that we had already purchased Spike and what he SHOULD have asked for is the Geotrax airplane set. He wanted to make sure Santa knew not to get him Spike. Don't ask why he knows he's getting Spike, it's a long, lame story. So, needless to say Jett jumped up on his lap and not only asked for the Geotrax airplane set, he asked for a motorcycle too! What a boy! Sky asked for a Barbie and the Diamond Castle (I think she only wants this cause it's the most common commercial on T.V. and we've watched a LOT of T.V. the last three weeks). When we got home from the party, Jett started running a fever again. Saturday morning I called the doctor afraid of what the answer would be. Sure enough... I was told to go into Primary Childrens and have the tests run that I was told to get if the fever kept up. Let's just say, I've been to Primary Childrens enough and I did NOT want to go. I knew that if we would just give him a blessing and wait we'd know if that was really what we should do. So we called our friendly neighbor over and he was given a blessing. My poor boy has been through the ringer with having had the flu for 9 days and then ran a fever for 6. As of today, he's doing better. With each day there seems to be more improvement. I have to force him to eat. Having only had LOTS to drink in the last three weeks, that's all he feels like doing. He's still tired a lot and I'm hoping it's just that his body still needs mending. We didn't go to Primary's cause there's been no trace of a fever since the blessing. I just pray that he really is on the mend and that he becomes active and healthy 100% again soon!
May you all have a Merry Christmas.
I didn't get to Christmas cards this year, so look for a special Valentines card instead. Cause I do love you all and want you to know we think of you often. I love hearing all the stories and things going on in each of your lives.
I am so glad you got to have a little fun in the middle of all that sickness. I am so sad little Jett has been sick so long. I hope today is a better day and that you have a very Merry Christmas!
You poor thing. I am so sorry you've all been so sick. What a bummer! You sound like you've been a trooper though. Hang in there. I am praying for a Christmas miracle for you all!
Love you,
I'm so sorry your little family has been so sick. Luke and Colton had a nasty cold/flu last week and seem to be doing better the last couple of days. But they seem to have passed it on to Jake and I! Hope everyone is feeling better by Christmas and you have a Merry Christmas!
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