Really? Where did the time go? I'm having a hard time believing I have a six year old little girl. The month of October is always a blur. It seems that the last six years have flown by just as quickly. Just a few pictures to remind me of the gorgeous, social, friendly, daughter I have. I love her to pieces. A few pictures here describe her so well... She loves to read!
She is always asking for a piece a paper so she can draw a picture or write someone a note. These always make me smile. They are so genuine and innocent. I love this stuff!

She can whistle. Something else that comes from her dad. I can't whistle to save my life, but she's got a pretty good one.

She's SIX! Her way of showing me she's six years old!
What would I do without this little one of mine! She is one friendly, social, smart little cookie. She loves her Up With Kids class where she is able to sing and perform. She was made for it. As a little girl she was always perfect when it came to performing for friends and family. She'd sing the little songs or say her ABC's whenever called upon. She did those sorts of things so willingly and never had any fear. She's that way still. She's always introducing herself to the clerk at the grocery store or to any one for that matter. She loves to sing and has a pretty decent voice. That she got from her dad too, I'm sure of that. She is a Jorgensen through and through. I thought she looked like her dad the second she was born and still think so. She doesn't have a whole lot of me in her, but that's okay. I love her completely just the way she is! Enjoy being six Missy-Miss!
Gorgeous, friendly, talented, hmmmm...I think this little girl has more of YOU in her then you think :)
Sky is such a doll and I just love these pictures to pieces. The fact that you took pictures of things she loves to do it so great and will be so fun for her to look back on, not to mention they are crazy awesome!! I love the one on the stairs and the one of her peeking around. Oh- and I love the sweater of course :) Happy Birthday SKY!!!
Ahhh so cute!!
Tell Sky I miss seeing her!
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