Yes, I know... he turned 4 about six weeks ago, but I just barely got to taking pictures of him. So here it is. J-umps, climbs and hangs on everything, E-ats anything including salad and baby food (he still gets his vegetables by way of a jar and I don't mind. Makes it easier on me.) T-eases his sister (stuck in the middle of two girls it was bound to happen.) T-otally a sweetheart (As much as he teases them, he protects them and gives in to their wines and cries). That wraps up my boy Jett.
And for a few more things...
He has gorgeous blue eyes. He loves his new shoes cause he believes they make him run faster. He only wants to wear shirts that have some sort of link to speed cause he wants to be fast! So we buy car shirts, and shirts that say "Fast as lightning" and "Built for speed" I guess with a name like Jett, it makes sense that he be fast. Right now, Sky is still faster than him and Jett HATES it. He is so eager to beat her in a race. It kills him when he loses. I keep telling him that it won't be long when he's faster and he'll be able to beat her every time. He's smart. He's charming. He loves to say the word poop and laughs hysterically if dad says it. Lovely, I know. He loves it when I throw him to the ground to wrestle. I don't love it so much, but when he starts to laugh, I laugh, so maybe I do like it. He's my boy and I love him to pieces!
Here are a few pictures...
This is how it started out... not really wanting to do much of anything except make funny faces at me.
But then I got a few great ones...
And then he was done! Off went the hat and out came the lip...
But then we went over by the bikes and out came the smiles...
And at this point I was ready for him to do whatever he wanted which meant climb and jump...
And then for my favorite... him just kicking back. The second, notice the focus on his new favorite shoes. The shoes that make him go fast. The shoes he wants to wear every second of the day. And they're my favorite too cause they don't lace up, they ZIP up on the side. Meaning: he can put them on all by himself. A must have!
Super cute boy! I can't believe he is FOUR! Awesome pictures!! Adorable.
Super cute boy! I can't believe he is FOUR! Awesome pictures!! Adorable.
He is growing so fast! What a handsome sweet boy!!! What great pictures!!!!!!!!!!
So fun that you do that with their names. Love it! And, as always, darling pics.
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