Monday, October 5, 2009

Who would have guessed...

not me!  That's for sure.  If you had told me ten years ago when I met Neils that we would be married and have three adorable kids, I would not have believed you or anyone for that matter.  It would have been too good to be true.  I fell in love at first sight and then waited around for a few years hoping he'd realize that I was perfect for him.  He obviously did, but here's the story...

Ten years ago, it happened to be similar to this, in that it was Conference weekend.  Neils had found me on LDS (the way he found me is a whole 'nother story) and sent me a message letting me know he would be coming to visit Utah for Conference and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up.  I sent him back a message letting him know I'd be interested.  That was soon followed by a phone call to figure out the details.  We tried meeting up on Saturday, but because I was one of many girls he was coming to meet, our schedules didn't match up.  We decided to still meet but not til Sunday.  He came over to my house in between sessions and had dinner (Taco Soup) with us.  His first comment after coming in and sitting down was, "you're kinda cute..."  (We joke about it now.)  So we ate and hung out and then he was off, back down to Provo to hang out with another girl (that girl is my dear friend now).  He called a bit later to see how late I'd be up.  I didn't want to sound too eager/desperate for him to come back up.  I must have pulled it off, cause with my comment of "you're missing out" it got him back in his car and driving right back up to see me.  We hung out til 4am and then he was off.  He was headed back home to Cali in just a few hours.

After a few years of dating on and off he finally decided there just wasn't anyone who could possibly be any better for him than me and we got married.  And once he decided, it was quick... he said one day while sitting on our living room couch, "Let's get married next weekend when my whole family will be here."  So that we did, July 6, 2003.  The next year on our special day of October 3rd we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.  So not only is it our "Kissaversary" but it is also our Temple Anniversary.  It's a great day to remember!

With that, here are my three adorable kids to show for.  My life is grand!  These three make it and to top it off, I have a husband who is generous and thoughtful!  He works hard and does as much as he can to make my life as easy as possible.  He's wonderful!  It's been a ten great years and I expect the next ten to be just as great!  I love you Neils-C!  Happy Kissaversary!



Suzanne Plant said...

I love hearing your story. So happy for you two, you are perfect together and I think Neils scored BIG TIME when he got you. Look at the gorgeous kids you two make! Love you guys, congrats.

birdmama said...

What a fun story! I'm so sad I missed seeing you this past weekend! Happy Kissaversary-I love your terminology!

andreaKphotography said...

You make such dang cute kids...a #4 is a must :)

Emily & Co. said...

We have the same anniversary...July 6th! It's a great day to celebrate!!!

Hillary said...

Great story! And he did score big time with you! And your family couldn't be sweeter.

justjill said...

Indeed, how lucky you are...what a great story you have to pass along.

Randi Ritchie said...

What a lucky guy to have you in his life!!