Monday, November 30, 2009

My little Sky and her sincere prayer...

My little Sky tends to worry about things, WAY before and WAY more than she ever should.  Today in her blessing on lunch she asked that she be able to sleep on Christmas night so Santa will come.  This reminds me of the Christmas that I laid in my top bunk bed wide awake trying desperately to go to sleep.  I knocked on the wall (my parents say every five minutes) asking them if Santa had come yet.  Although I'm always saying Sky IS her dad, I think she has a little bit of me in her too. 


Suzanne Plant said...

That is so adorable! So soon before the day too, that is Sky, always planning ahead!

Chillygator said...

That is SO cute! She is very prepared!

LaTour said...

That is very cute! I wonder if I will be able to sleep too....oh the stress! :) Things sure do change when we are adults!

andreaKphotography said...

I just love this little story. Sounds like me when I was little. We got Joshua an alarm clock so he wont be waking us up at 3:00am this year :)