Monday, July 13, 2009

"Super fassss..."

My little Brookey has caught onto the idea of a "superhero" and that they can go "super fasss..." This week she noticed Jett's superhero underwear and insisted I put them on over her swimsuit so she could be "super fasss." I allowed it cause it was so stinkin' cute of a request! This morning, she found a hat and Jett's superman cape. I heard her begin to chase the kids around the house saying "I super fasss, I get you." The kids laughed and began a whole game of Super Heroes out to save Care bear, T-Rex and Puppy (the stuffed animals they sleep with).


Sara said...

SUPER cute SUPERhero! You're a full fledged photographer...that picture is Incredible!

The Jorgensen's said...

That Brookey is too cute! Megan sure had a fun time playing with your kids yesterday!