Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July part 1

I want to post something from the 4th of July weekend, cause it was SUPER FAB! My dear friend Suzanne has made it a tradition for her family to go up to Park City every year and stay in a condo to watch the fireworks. The condo is right in front of where they let them off so it's an incredible view. I have always been sad when it comes time for fireworks. My husband, just doesn't like to go out in the dark and hang out in a large crowd of people. He thinks it's just too unsafe with little ones. One year we did go, my sister had her purse stolen just as the fireworks were beginning and everyone was looking up, someone came and snatched it. This has always confirmed his feeling that it's just not something to participate in. I love fireworks so it's always been a bummer of a night. This year was different. Suzanne invited my family to come hang out with them and spend the weekend in Park City. She's the best... and so was the weekend!
I took a few pictures of us at the parade, and hanging out which I will go through and post next, but for now I'll leave you with some Suzanne took of me and my family (like I said, she's the best)! The night of the 4th we had planned to just cook a Costco Lasagna and have salad and bread to go with it. We got some ho's and hums from the men who thought that was wrong to eat as a 4th of July dinner. Okay, so we headed out, but by the time we left we found that places were closed (for the 4th of course). So we ended up getting burgers and fries at Wendy's. On the way back to our condo, I saw an awesome little rundown house/barn like thing and asked Suzanne's family to pull over there so we could take a few pictures in our outfits. Here are a few she took of my family... Note: I wasn't planning on having pictures taken thus the reason my hair is in a pony tail... but what the heck! I still love that I have a family picture with all three of my kids in it.
Thanks Suzanne!!!


andreaKphotography said...

How fun! Love the outfits!! I love Park fact I was up there shopping today for our Cali trip. Looks like a great spot, I will have to go by there sometime, I should have today. Oh well. PS-you looks super cute in a pony tail so I wouldn't worry :)

Hillary said...

Oh my gosh,could your kids outfits be any cuter!!!!! And forget the pony you are a hot mama!! So stinking cute!!

Daynes Family said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast...I love Park City. Love the picture and LOVE the girls pants!

Jarvie said...

Your family looks awesome and so patriotically colored. :)