Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Birthday Girl!

She's TWO! She loves Dora, cheetos (that hasn't changed) and to sing. You can often hear her singing a tune, ABC's or Head Shoulders Knees and Toes quietly to herself. She loves to count anything (the stairs as we go up them, the cheeots on her plate, etc.) and holds out her fingers for me to count them while she's on my lap. She loves being on my lap and would sit there all day if I would let her. She's so stinkin' cute and she's talking up a storm now. I love asking her to say certain things and listening to her version of the word. It's priceless. She copies Sky and Jett and thinks she's just as big as they are. She LOVES to be outside or to go in the car. From the second she wakes up she wants to go... anywhere. She thinks as long as she's got her shoes on we can go. She will go over to the shoe basket, bring me her shoes and insist I put them on so we can "go bye bye." I love her to death! She is an absolute doll! Yesterday, we got up, got dressed and headed over to my dear friend Suzanne's house to take pictures. What would I do without Suzanne. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have these pictures of my little girl on her actual bday. She's so great to me and is always so willing to help me accomplish my tasks in life. Happy Birthday Sweet girl. I love you Brookey-Brooke.


andreaKphotography said...

Steph these are priceless! You amaze me with every shoot and these are just to die for!! Man-O-Man those eyes are going to break some hearts. She is such a doll and just the sweetest girl. Happy Birthday Brooke!

PS- love that texture!

Team Cody said...

Brooke is adorable! I can't believe how grown up she is. I miss her and you guys. Wish we could see ya more often. But, I was wondering...where are her bows!!?? She's SO CUTE!

The Allreds said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like she's looking more like you think? What fun, loved all the shots!

The Jorgensen's said...

Such sweet pictures. Two is a magical age!

Jill said...

Happy late birthday Brooke! Time sure does fly bye so fast! So adorable! Happy birthday to you too Steph! I want to see your birthday pictures on here also! :)

LaTour said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke! She is GORGEOUS- seriously all your kids are so dang cute. I love these pictures!