A couple of years ago, about the time Neils and I started trying for this baby, Jett discovered that he was the only one in our family that didn't share a birthday month with someone. Sky and Neils share October and me and Brooke share May. He felt so left out. It was a REALLY big deal to him. So we told him, "well, then when you say your prayers you can ask Heavenly Father to send you a brother in September." Jett's prayer began immediately, "Please bless that my baby brother will come on September 2nd (the day after his)." We tried. We tried for a good year before we began to wonder if there was something wrong. I met with my OB to see what I could do. I took many tests, all of which continued to come back that I was perfectly fine. I could not have been more regular and exact in my cycle. It seemed weird. Neils even went and was tested, only to find out he was completely fine. I was told after all the results were in, that this is what they called unexplainable infertility. Not really what I wanted to hear. Friends were beginning to say, "Well you have three kids..." But I just couldn't imagine Jett not having a brother, or that I'd only have three kids in the end. I felt torn, knowing Neils and I were getting older by the second, the questions consumed me. Do I just move on with my three and be grateful for what I have? How long do I try? I finally decided that if I wasn't pregnant in time to have a baby in September, that I'd move on. I had to pick something and hold onto it. I did. The month that I THOUGHT I needed to be pregnant in order to have a September baby came and left. I cried hard. I cried to my mom and told her how devastating it was. Her immediate response was, "no, you can get pregnant in two weeks and have a September baby." Really? I thought about it and she was right. I mustered up some hope. I was super positive and hung onto that hope. I don't think it's any coincidence that we are pregnant and due in September. That little prayer by Jett was said hundreds of times, sometimes three times a day and more than once in each prayer.
2017 Individual Pictures
5 years ago